15 April 2009

fitting in- the lack of.

you can't say i'm popular, because, well, i don't play that game. but people know me. i'm hyperinvolved-- stu.co rep, drama, just about all but sports, etc. so i have to wonder why i can't see to find a best friend.

i have friends- people i can have okay converstions with, sit with at lunch, and do projects with. i have people i'd like to be better friends with, too- people that occasionally gift me with their company. however, i have yet to find a friend that is willing to force me into being social like kate could or listen to my deepest whinging and crapiest stories like kayla. i've yet to stumble upon someone who can deal with my outspoken-ness and rule that converse are fair game with any outfit. no one has appeared to me as authentic and realistic as i need them to be. i need someone to keep me grounded, social, and in line. maybe i'm just too weird. or maybe i just need to tone myself down.

or lower my expectations.


  1. i'd like to point out that people are fake until you get to know them, we just are. authenticity requires trust as we fear the rejection of our true selves :)

  2. you're so effortlessly deep :)
